What to expect when visitng my blog...

I would like to take a minute and share with you what to expect when looking over my blog. This page is an opportunity to share with others what I like to do in my spare time. These activities range from reading, which I need to do more of (have a mountain of books to conquer and I still buy more =)...) making my own greeting cards, ornaments and more.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Screw Cupid the sassy girl's guide to picking up hot guys by Samantha Schofield

Title Screw Cupid the sassy girl's guide to picking up hot guys.

Author: Samant6ha Schofield

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

in Screw cupid, Samantha Schofield shares first hand stories of experiences she had in the dating world with the reader. This I found would be useful for others because one is more apt to take advice from someone who is giving the advice from first hand experience. There were some stories I could see people relating too. And some I found amusing.

Schofield presents different scenarios throughout the book and gives feedback from guys. This could be helpful for those that are seeking and following her advice as many will tell you guys should come with a handbook on understanding them. Schofield gives some insight into the dating world.

What I found difficult to swallow was that a woman would actually use the pick-up lines she heard used by a guy that worked. Many women would be to shy or nervous to approach a guy and say something like “Can I buy you a drink.” Not that I feel there is anything wrong with that. But in today society most women sit back and wait for the guy to make the move. Hence the point of Schofield’s book, why wait for the guy to make the move, women can also take the horse by the reins and hit on men. Is this likely to happen? Possibly. For those women who are tired of sitting back and waiting for the man to make the move then I recommend they read this book and get some advice in that area.